Provide the following Information via TEXT to 520 831 0054 to subscribe:

1. Account Holder First & Last Name
2. Physical Address for Installation
3. Account email address
4. Account Holder MMDD of Birth
5. Service Plan from Below

Service Plans: -$5 discount per Month for 6 Month Pre-Pays so around 1 month free per year.

15Mbps Dwn 3Mbps Up M2M = $40
6 Month Pre-Pay $210

20Mbps Dwn 6Mbps Up M2M = $60
6 Month Pre-Pay $330

30Mbps Dwn 8Mbps Up M2M =$80
6 Month Pre-Pay $450

50Mbps By 10Mbps M2M = $120
No 6 mth disc available on this plan.
Only available under LOS conditions. NLOS is not sufficient.

We may be able to provide you more bandwidth than these three plans so if you indeed need more, please ask. operates under the 1996/97 telecom ACT as amended in 2022 to provide affordable
broadband in rural America.