20250108 08:00 Remember, any heavy precipitation, especially freezing rain, may cause slowdowns and or interruptions in service. .
ONGOING: Some of you still think it’s ok to steal copyrighted content like movies, games, and other media. We have been notified by content provider tracking systems who the individuals are. You are endangering the network, your assets and your freedom. ,
ON GOING Regulatory & Other officials are auditing broadcast operations in the area to determine the source of repeated violations of spectrum use by unregistered & registered broadcasting entities in Cochise County and Northern Mexico bordering Cochise County and Pima County. The Entities have also been traveling throughout the central and northern San Pedro River Valley in Cochise County. Those entities have been repeatedly interfering with military installations in the area, wireless cell carrier backbone and local WISP’s. Your communications services in the area are being periodically degraded due to the those entities. This has been periodically occurring for more than a year..
Ongoing: Be aware you may experience slow downs and/or interruptions in service during heavy precipitation anywhere in the valley between your installation and our main provisioning towers in the San Pedro River Valley AZ and adjoining areas. We are adding new equipment which functions in a different spectrum which may alleviate the interruptions during heavy precipitation especially freezing rain. We were hoping to have this done by the end of July to mid August but alas the equipment is still not available. We are also in negotiations to increase available down and upload bandwidth for the entire network. We are being stonewalled by carriers with holding bandwidth. Time for Federal Trade Commission to get involved due to interference with interstate commerce. ….. . . .